Monday, June 3, 2019

EDX:Business Communication

I watched Business Communication of the course video .
This course comes from Stony Brook University and the speaker is Alan Alda.
Alan Alda is an actor and writer. In 2009 he founded the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science with Stony Brook University. This is the goal of the center:
“empowers scientists and health professionals to communicate complex topics in clear, vivid and engaging ways; leading to improved understanding by the public, media, patients, elected officials, and others outside of their own discipline.


I think the used way and feels of Moocs like VoiceTube because it has free videos and videos verbatim .The aid of the videos verbatim will make it easier for non-native speakers to keep up with the progress and replay the video if they don’t understand.But in particular, it has professional courses for you to choose and have course handout.

1 comment:

EDX:Business Communication

I watched Business Communication of the course video . This course comes from Stony Brook University and the speaker is Alan Alda. Alan A...