radiant adj.
full of happiness and love, in a way that shows in your face and makes you look attractive.
*She looked radiant in a white silk dress.
gleam v.
to shine softly
*The wooden panelling was gleaming with wax polish.
gleam n.
a small pale light, especially one that shines for a short time.
*They saw a sudden gleam of light.
beam n.
a line of light shining from the sun, a lamp etc.
*the beam of a powerful flashlight
beam v.
to smile very happily
*Sherman looked at his sons and beamed proudly.
Every child loves the arrival of Christmas,
because children always have gifts that can't be finished!
Christmas is the birth day of Jesus on
December 25. The birth of Jesus represents goodwill and peace.
People around the world enjoy offering
gifts as a sign of love and hope on Christmas Day. This is the origin of gifts
for Christmas and that bring happiness to others!
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